Tin tức
Sản phẩm HOT
Ống tiêm mẫu nhựa 10ml, PP, không nút cao su, luer lock, Henke-Ject
Hotline: 0886.666.919

Anion Exchange HPLC Column | RCX-10 7 µm 4.6 x 250 mm PEEK
Hotline: 0886.666.919
Supplier: Hamilton Switz
PN: 79388
Chi tiết sản phẩm
Anion Exchange HPLC Column | RCX-10 7 µm 4.6 x 250 mm PEEK
* Hamilton RCX-10 columns are designed with high exchange capacity for quality carbohydrate separation. Isocratic or gradient separations can be used depending on the complexity of the mixture. A pulsed amperometric detector (PAD) is recommended for gradient separations to utilize the full potential of this column. High pH can be used to enhance carbohydrate separation on RCX-10 and RCX-30 columns due to the negative charge of sugars at basic pH.
* Separation Mode: Anion Exchange
* Stationary Phase: RCX-10
* Format: HPLC Column
* Hardware Inner Diameter: 4.6 mm
* Hardware Length: 250 mm
* Particle Size: 7 µm
* USP Classification: USP L47
* Packing Material Type: PSDVB/Trimethylammonium
* Pore Size: 100 Å
* Particle Surface Area (m2/cm3): 358
* Pore Volume (cm3/g): 0.624
* Hardware Material: PEEK
* Max Pressure: 5,000 psi
* Exchange Capacity: 0.35 meq/gm
* Exchange Capacity/Column: 0.700 meq/column
* Mobile Phase Limits: pH 1-13. 0-100% aqueous, organic modifier
* Buffer Strength: 0.0-1.0N
* Temp Limits: 5-30°C
* Restoration: Flush with 50 mL 0.1 N sodium hydroxide
* Compound Classification: Carbohydrates
* UOM: 1 each.
Bộ lọc dung môi HPLC 250ml, bình hứng 1000ml, Duran 2571054
Hotline: 0886.666.919
Bộ lọc dung môi HPLC 500ml, bình hứng 2000ml, Duran
Hotline: 0886.666.919
Vial 2ml HPLC Autosampler thủy tinh trong có seal nhôm septa silicon/ptfe
Hotline: 0886.666.919
Vial 2ml thủy tinh trong không chia vạch có seal nhôm septa silicon/ptfe
Hotline: 0886.666.919