Chuẩn Acetate sắc ký ion (IC) 1 mg/mL (1000 ppm) trong nước
Hotline: 0886.666.919
NSX: Reagecon
Chai 500mL. ISO/IEC 17025 for the testing of ICP/ICP-MS Standards using ICP-MS (INAB Ref: 264T)
Chi tiết sản phẩm
ISO/IEC 17025 for the testing of ICP/ICP-MS Standards using ICP-MS (INAB Ref: 264T).
ISO/IEC 17025 for calibration of laboratory balances (INAB Ref: 265C)
ISO/IEC 17025 for temperature calibration in the range of -90 °C to 650 °C (INAB Ref: 265C)
ISO/IEC 17025 for density measurement (INAB Ref: 264T) using Oscillating U-Tube and Bingham Pycnometry
ISO/IEC 17025 for certain complexometric titrations (INAB Ref: 264T)
GHS/OSHA compliant, REACH
* Nồng độ: 1 mg/mL (1000 ppm)
* Chai 500 mL. Siêu tinh khiết Ultrapure.
* Analyte: Acetate.
Chuẩn ICP-MS 33 nguyên tố trong HCL 20% và HF 100ml
Hotline: 0886.666.919
Chuẩn Arsenic cho ICP, ICP-MS 1000 µg/mL (1000 ppm) trong 2-5% Nitric Acid (HNO₃)
Hotline: 0886.666.919
Dung dịch chuẩn Cadmium 1000ppm trong 2-5% HNO₃
Hotline: 0886.666.919
Dung dịch chuẩn Boron dùng cho máy ICP, ICP-MS 1000 ppm
Hotline: 0886.666.919