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Máy lắc mẫu, lắc ngang - MRC KCS-3333

Máy lắc mẫu, lắc ngang - MRC KCS-3333

Hotline: 0886.666.919

NSX: MRC - Israel

Model:  KCS-3333

Digital control, tốc độ 500rpm, Platform Size 33 x 33 cm.

Danh mục: mrc - ISRAEL,

Chi tiết sản phẩm

Máy lắc mẫu, lắc ngang - MRC KCS-3333

NSX: MRC - Israel

Model:  KCS-3333

Digital Table reciprocal linear shaker for laboratory

Speed range:100 to 500rpm

Timer up to 1199minutes

Optional :Plate platform

Plate 260*260mm

or 4 universal 4 bars attachment

Maximum load 7.5kg

Suitable for bottles,Erlenmyers,tubes, flasks,boxes etc

Phụ tùng

Universal Platform for Shakers,

PN: 18900027
for use with various types of flasks/vessels
with universal variable position (4) clamping bars.

Universal Platform for  Shakers, 3

Universal Platform for Shakers
