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MD 610 Photometer Lovibond 214025

MD 610 Photometer Lovibond 214025

Hotline: 0886.666.919

NSX: Lovibond

PN: 214025

Chi tiết sản phẩm

MD 610 Photometer Lovibond 214025, 128 parameters

NSX: Lovibond

PN: 214025

The MD 610 multi-parameter photometer features a Bluetooth® interface which allows for the sending and sharing of testing data directly from the field. Pre-programmed with over 120 water testing parameters and ranges, it is the ideal field instrument for a variety of applications and industries.


The free app AquaLX® is ideally designed for use in on-site measurements. Compatible with IOS®- and Android®-based smartphones and tablets, it enables uncomplicated data transmission. It maps all measured values ​​as an illustrative graphic with minimum and maximum limits and supports the export of the data as an Excel®-compatible CSV file.

The PC software makes it possible to import data directly from the photometer to the Windows-based PC. As a stationary solution, it facilitates the transfer of data through a quickly established, permanently wireless connection. Further processing of the results can be done both in the software itself and by exporting the data to Excel or as a CSV file.

The set of software and Bluetooth® dongle is available as a separate accessory under item no. 2444480 available.
