Mecmesin CFG500 Digital Force Gauge
Hotline: 0886.666.919
Brand: Mecmesin (Great Britain)
Model: CFG 500
PN: 860023
Chi tiết sản phẩm
Mecmesin CFG+ 500 Digital Force Gauge
Brand: Mecmesin (Great Britain)
Model: CFG 500
PN: 860023
Load capacity: 500N (50 kgf & 110lbf).
Resolution: 0.5N (0.05kgf & 0.1lbf)
Accuracy: ±0.5 % of full scale.
Units of measurement: mN, N, kN, gf, kgf, ozf, lbf
Sampling Rate: 500 Hz.
Overload rating: 150% of full scale
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