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Oxygen sensor for SD 310 / SD 315 Oxi with 10 m cable Lovibond 19805051

Oxygen sensor for SD 310 / SD 315 Oxi with 10 m cable Lovibond 19805051

Hotline: 0886.666.919

HSX: Lovibond/Đức

PN: 19805051


Chi tiết sản phẩm

Oxygen sensor for SD 310 / SD 315 Oxi with 10 m cable, Platinum cathode / Lead anode, Lovibond

* Galvanic oxygen sensor for determination of dissolved oxygen up to 70 mg/L

* Pressure-resistant and suitable for water depths of up to 10 m

* Automatic temperature compensation (NTC 10 kΩ)

* Thang đo: 0 - 70 mg/l O2 Concentration ; 0 - 600 % (O2 Saturation)

* Nhiệt độ: 0 ...40oC.

* Integrated Temperature Sensor: NTC 10 kΩ
