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Phểu imhoff 1000ml Vitlab 75991 SAN

Phểu imhoff 1000ml Vitlab 75991 SAN

Hotline: 0886.666.919

HSX:  Vitlab Đức

PN: 75991

Chi tiết sản phẩm

Imhoff sedimentation cone, SAN

According to DIN 12 672. Crystal clear, with molded graduations for precise reading of volumes. For simple, basic cleaning and rinsing, the screw coupling on the tip can be removed. Lower breakage risk than for PC or glass containers.

For determination of suspended matter in liquids (e.g., for industrial and municipal wastewater).

Graduation | Divisions | Error limits

0 - 2 ml | 0,1 ml | ± 0,1 ml
2 -10 ml | 0,5 ml | ± 0,5 ml
10 - 40 ml | 1 ml | ± 1 ml
40 - 100 ml | 2 ml | ± 2 ml
100 - 1000 ml | 50 ml | ± 10 ml
