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Branson Digital Sonifier SFX 250 (máy đồng hóa siêu âm)

Branson Digital Sonifier SFX 250 (máy đồng hóa siêu âm)

Hotline: 0886.666.919

HSX: Emerson Brason (USA)

Model: SFX 250

Máy đồng hóa siêu âm thí nghiệm, 500ml.


Danh mục: Emerson - America,

Chi tiết sản phẩm

Branson Sonifier® ultrasonic cell disruptor / homogenizers are versatile laboratory units suitable for a broad range of liquid processing applications

Advanced energy control mode delivers precise energy input in continuous or pulse modes.

True temperature control manages sample temperature within user-specified limits (requires separate temperature probe).

Process monitoring. In operation, Sonifier SFX Series monitors ongoing processes on a scrollable, digital screen, providing continuous updates of key variables including power level, energy usage, sample temperature, and experiment progress.

Sample-processing programs. For assured repeatability and precision on a greater scale, the SFX Series enables users to create and store up to 22 sampleprocessing programs.

Amplitude control range from 10 to 100%.

Microtip mode limits amplitude to 70% to extend tool life.

250 watts of power at 20 kHz

Processes samples from 0.2 up to 500 mL

Includes power supply, converter and 1/2" disruptor horn

Kích thước máy: 12.5" L x 7.5" W x 9.25" H;

Khối lượng: 14 lbs.
