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Dung dịch chuẩn COD 500 mg/L Lovibond 2420804

Dung dịch chuẩn COD 500 mg/L Lovibond 2420804

Hotline: 0886.666.919

NSX: Lovibond - Đức

PN: 2420804

Standard Solution COD 500 mgL

Chi tiết sản phẩm

Dung dịch chuẩn COD 500mg/L LOVIBOND

Standard solutions are solutions with a defined concentration and are provided to check the operation methods and devices of the cuvette tests as well as the condition of the instrument.

Note according to EU regulation 2019/1148
This product is regulated by Regulation (EU) 2019/1148: all suspicious transactions, and significant disappearances and thefts should be reported to the relevant national contact point.
