Màu chuẩn Y (Yellow) Pharmacopoeia (EP) Chapter 2.2.2
Hotline: 0886.666.919
Brand: Reagecon
PN: EP706
Chi tiết sản phẩm
Reagecon Standard Colour Solution Y (Yellow) according to European Pharmacopoeia (EP) Chapter 2.2.2
Item No. EP706
This Standard Colour Solution is a ready to use coloration standard presented in high quality, tamper evident bottles for use as a calibration and/or quality control standard. It is prepared by combining Reagecon Primary Colour Solutions.
Manufactured gravimetrically according to European Pharmacopoeia Chapter 2.2.2 guidelines with a Balance Certificate of Calibration issued in accordance with ISO 17025 (A2LA Ref: 6739.02)
Concentration verified using a high performance spectrophotometer.
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Hotline: 0886.666.919
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Màu chuẩn Y (Yellow) Pharmacopoeia (EP) Chapter 2.2.2
Hotline: 0886.666.919